Helping build the new facility, and building memories too.

Created by keith 11 years ago
It’s funny how the mind works sometimes; protecting our spirit from injurious memories. But memories can also bring us great joy; they serve to keep those we love close. I was talking with Cecilia of 43/90 North Earth this morning. Somehow Cecilia hadn’t seen the email I had sent providing the information of Sybil’s passing this January. This forced me to pull up the information and construct an email. I wanted to include the link to the memorial site that Tara had so graciously set up for Sybil. Wanting to make sure the link worked properly, I checked the site. I was disappointed to see that there had been few entries since February of this year. I realized that there must be a million stories that could be shared by those that surrounded Sybil and Sybil Shane Studio. But how could I complain when I hadn’t submitted a story myself… So here is one I hold dear: It’s been enough years ago that specifics have faded from my memory, but specifics aren’t important to me in this story. It would have been around 2006 that Sybil had been “told” that she would have to move the Studio from its Nevada City location as a larger tenant wanted to expand, so Syb was out. She found another property in Grass Valley, but the place needed some serious tender loving care to bring it up to the high standards Syb had for a workplace. Walls were torn out, others put up, offices constructed, the kitchen was re-modeled, carpet was laid throughout, and the entire place got fresh coat of paint. When she was done, it didn’t even look like the same place. My brother Kurt and I were offered a small part of this job to help in bringing this new facility to life for Sybil. We worked late into the night a few times. The talks we had will last me a lifetime! I think I learned more about Sybil in those few weeks than I had in the prior twenty years! This was a time of optimism and change; a new facility, a new beginning. Music was a big part of this re-model, as Syb loved music, and she and I soon discovered a shared love of the bluesy music of Eric Clapton. I’ll never forget dancing like a fool with Syb to that more raunchy-bluesy version of “After Midnight.” We both were wearing our grubbies, had paint on our clothes, faces, and arms, but really didn’t care… Thank you so much Sybil for everything you gave me, everything you showed me, I love you, Keith