Sweet Moments

Created by Nan Decker 12 years ago
Such memories!! Here's one.....Syb and I are in the studio office and Lily Tomlin comes to mind. Sybil immediately went into the funniest impression of Lily Tomlin with a shopping cart, ever!!! Also, during that time, I saw Tara's Sukhasiddhi painting for the first time. The moment I laid eyes on her, I knew it was she, and asked Sybil where on earth that came from. I spent lunch break enjoying that art.........WOW! Then there was Christmas, the Bokar Rinpoche blessing cord, a nice time relaxing at Jim's, lunch! My biggest place of gratitude for Sybil was the sharing of Dharma, she was a master of tonglen. Bright, shining friend, you are loved, missed and your legacy continues. Such heart, strength and tender gentleness, clarity and JOY! I bow down!!