kathleen 29th December 2013

My dearest darling Sybil...My heart is breaking today as you stop by to say hello from your new home...heaven! I just found out you passed today and can't stop crying! So sad...of course that is why you didn't return my call on your b'day! I LOVE YOU and I'm so glad that we got to share so many special moments since meeting at OHI in San Diego during your first healing opportunity with our girl Cancer. I'm so glad I got to stay with you and talk Angels and that you had that Arch Angel with you during those next days with your cancer dance. Thank YOU for all that you shared with me over the years! YOU saved me on so many days during our long chats when we both were in bed with broken bones in our backs! Girl...I treasure you and I'm so sorry we didn't get that last visit in before you transitioned to your higher home. YOUR love, messages and art will LIVE on and I'm so glad that we had a "divine" connection while you were here on Earth! I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU and fully expect you to be on my Angel team NOW! OK? Darn....Thanks for the visit today to let me know you are home. xoxoxoxo Diamond!!! Give Bunny and Bob and Bard from Angelspeake a heavenly hello and hug from me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh....so sad...I miss you girl! xoxoxo